Phase Separation Remediation
Before (left) and After (right) of our Phase Separation Remediation
Most gasoline on the market today has been blended with ethanol – an alcohol typically derived from corn or sugar cane. Typically, these blended fuels contain 10-15% ethanol while E-85 contains 85% ethanol. This addition of ethanol allows the fuel to absorb more water than gasoline alone.
A molecule of ethanol has a carbon end that prefers to associate with fuel and a hydroxyl end that prefers to associate with water. In low concentrations of water, the ethanol will stay in solution with the fuel. As water saturation increases, the ethanol’s affinity to the water overrides its association with the fuel and the ethanol falls out of solution. This creates an ethanol-water layer on bottom and a reduced-octane fuel layer on top. This is phase separation. Like a vinaigrette dressing before you shake it, two distinct layers are created.
What Can Be Done about Phase Separation?
There was a time when phase separated fuel was a loss – the fuel was pumped out and the tank owner had to pay to have it disposed of. This is NOT what you should do! Call Clean Fuels National – we can reclaim your phased product, perform onsite re-blending, get your fuel back into spec and get your station up and running. Phased product is NOT lost product!
How Do I Prevent Phase Separation?
A rigorous housekeeping program can save you the expense of dealing with phased fuel, the downtime from a state shut-down and the lost revenue of disgruntled customers. Often, the culprit when it comes to water infiltration is leaking caps, damaged or missing gaskets, small repairs that can save you money. Water in your sumps can easily become water in your tanks. Clean Fuels National routinely checks for these things during our preventative maintenance visits. By keeping a watchful eye on your fuel storage system, you can prevent an emergency.
If you have phase separated product, we can help. If you don’t have phase separated product, we can help keep it that way. Call us today and let us show you why we are the largest company specialized in fuel quality assurance.
How Can Clean Fuels National Help?
Our Phase Remediation Program sets the standard in the industry. Our proprietary, lab tested techniques can reclaim your phased product, get your tank back up to spec and your fuel back on the market. Have a phase tank? Call us right now – our team of dedicated sales representatives can get you back on track!